Please select the tab Join the IMMHG Team Form on the Menu, complete the required information and submit to receive more information about becoming a valued member of our team.
Can I just observe to see if I would like to join?
Absolutely, just fill out the form on the Join the IMMHG Team Form tab on the Menu. We will contact you to let you know where the services are scheduled and invite you to one. You can meet the members present and observe. You will be asked to “shadow” some actual services to make sure you feel that this way to honor our fallen Veterans is suitable. Please place any questions in the Comments section and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
How much of my time will be required?
Not counting the commute time to the service site, on average, count on around an hour to do what we do. Our part of the service takes about twenty minutes, but we arrive early and sometimes the service is later than the posted time. Because of the associated costs of outfitting a team member, we request that each member perform at least four missions a month. We also ask you to “Shadow” five services at your chosen location to ensure that you feel that this way of giving back to the Veteran Community suits your desires. We will explain the details after you fill in the request form.
How do I know if I qualify to be on the team?
You must present a DD 214 which states that you were Honorably Discharged or Retired from the United States Military to join our team. Should you not have a DD 214 here is a link to a website that helps you obtain a copy of your DD214. http://www.dd214.us/methods.html If you need assistance getting a DD 214 feel free to Click Here to contact our Commander.
How many team members does IMMHG have?
For a current list of our membership please go to our “Roster” page in the “About” menu earlier. There you will find a list of all of our members and the office they hold, if any.